Anna Cakes

Anna Cakes

terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016

Anna Cakes and Betty Porto ( porto's bakery)

Today was a very special day. Start the day with cafe with friends Olivia soares, Andreia, Priscila nayara and Marcia. who are wonderful people. And then have the opportunity to talk to Betty Porto, the owner of the best bakery usa. Portos Bakery, very joyful moment, with some stories of Brazil and some stories of this great bakery. Thank you betty Porto, for a so nice time with me and nayara -  porto's bakery

and wonderful to meet successful people. The port's bakery is one of the most famous bakeries in California. Is always full of people in line to buy and savor the delights of pastries and cakes and sandwiches. And be received by the owner of this magnificent company is something unforgettable

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